Share to HN

A simple PWA (progressive web app) that adds an option for Hacker News in the sharing menu of your Android device.

Demonstration of how the sharing UX looks like on Chrome for Android

In other words, it's a handy mobile alternative for the official HN bookmarklet for us who often browse HN on their phone. That bookmarklet doesn't work in all mobile browsers, at least not in Chrome for Android. Furthermore, this works from any app, not just the browser.

⚠️ The PWA utilizes the experimental share_target attribute in the manifest, which as of September 2022 is only supported by Chrome and Edge. Check the up-to-date browser support info at


If you are on a browser that supports PWA, you have probably already seen the popup for installation:

Demonstration of the installation popup on Chrome for Android

If you dismissed the popup, you can look for the address bar or other browser menus for the installation button:

Demonstration of the installation menu option on Chrome for Android

More information:
